The Fundation for Culture and Integrations "INTER-ART" operates on the basis of the Act of April 6, 1984. about foundations / Journal of Laws from 1991, No. 46 item 203 as amended / and on the basis of the provisions of this Statute. The "INTER-ART" Culture and Integration Foundation was established by the founders: Teresa Kaban-Błażej and Henryk Błażeja on August 16, 1990. notarial deed drawn up at the State Notary Office in Tarnów - Repertory A number 8924/1990. Registered in the National Court Register under the number: 0000004774.
The goal of the foundation is to work for the development and promotion of culture and art, maintaining and disseminating the national tradition, promoting cultural and national heritage, as well as raising and sensitizing young audiences mainly through concerts, performances, exhibitions and own artistic activity as an interesting opportunity to spend free time.